I’ve been building the Trump brand for several decades. But from time to time, landmarks do come along.
Several months ago my son Eric joined us. So my three eldest children are now with the Trump Organization, helping to expand our brand. Don Jr, Ivanka and Eric are all here now. They are my real Apprentices, and they’re doing a great job. They know that I’m demanding, but they are disciplined and very hard workers, so they are a good fit with the Trump Organization.
Having a quality brand is very much like having a good reputation. It’s important to consider that fact, even when you are just starting out. Remember that everything you say and do is important. Actions matter. You are, literally, your own brand whether you have a business yet or not. If you are serious about what you’re doing, taking responsibility for yourself starts now.
Donald J. Trump is Chairman of Trump University.
Comment posted on the Trump U BLOG by Mitch Drew on 07/12/2007 6:36 AM
Mr. Trump,
This is a message YOU continue to drill into us and it can't be said enough. Your reputation is the "walk the talk" of who you are and what you do.
I try everyday to deliver on everything that I have in my power to do. If something goes sideways that is NOT in my power but still under my supervision...I take full charge of the situation and do everything in my power to get things back on track.
Your actions say so much about who you are and I've found that the longer I am in business, the more important my past relationships and business experiences contribute to my success going forward.
I guess your PAST really does catch up with you.
Mitch Drew
BECK Agencies
Vancouver, Canada
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