Sunday, April 29, 2012

Go 2 Productions on SUN NEWS NETWORK

VANCOUER - Video production house Go 2 Productions has taken a unique approach to marketing their video production services by producing a 30sec demo 'reel' and airing it on national TV in HD.

The strategy was the result of a meeting with Ross Huget from Go 2 Productions who indicated that as the need for high quality online video grows, so does the number of people that are potential customers.

Mitch Drew from JMA suggested SUN NEWS NETWORK as a great place to share the 30sec demo reel on a national basis.  "we wanted to find a cost efficient way to get this great demo video on HD TV screens..and felt that SUN NEWS offered a solution with strong national coverage with content that business owners and managers are watching".

"Ross really sold me on the fact that potential customers need to see his great work...on TV in HD in order to appreciate the value"  Drew added.  "as more companies discover the need for high quality online and mobile video, Go 2 Productions is positioned as a dominant player and their work really speaks for's awesome".

Go 2 Productions "Everything We Do" 30 sec


For more information visit:

Mitch Drew

Sunday, April 22, 2012

Comox Bay Resort TV Campaign on OMNI TV

Comox Bay Resort runs new TV commercials in Mandarin on OMNI TV

In support on their multi-media campaign, Comox Bay Resort is airing a TV campaign on OMNI TV in BC to drive awareness to their web site and encourage Chinese real estate purchasers to visit the site and register for special 'VIP access' to the project.


The TV creative was done in-house by the OMNI TV production team. " Comox Bay Resort is targetting the Chinese market in the Lower Mainland and wanted to directly communicate the offer to this market....airing in the most watched local and national daily news cast that services the Mandarin speaking Chinese segment" said Mitch Drew of JACKSON MITCHELL ADVERTISING.

 "We really like working with the OMNI production team...and specifically producer Ben Lu as he has an absolute understanding of how to communicate to the Mandarin speaking audience" Drew added.

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